Fundraise at school
Fundraising at your school or kura is a great opportunity to involve tamariki/children, tauira/students, kaiako/teachers and wider staff and whānau in activities that improve mental wellbeing while raising money to support Diabetes NZ. Take inspiration from these ideas or create your own. Whatever you choose to do, we hope you have fun doing it!
Fundraising ideas
Wear Blue Day - schools around the country Wear Blue for a gold coin donation on World Diabetes Day, 14 November.
Fun run - make it a blue run (the global colour of diabetes!)
Mufti Day - for a gold coin donation.
Disconnect from tech challenge - students and teachers get whānau and friends to sponsor them to put down their phones for 24 hours
Keep quiet day - are you a known talker? Ask classmates and teachers to sponsor you to zip those lips for a day!
Tea towels - design and sell your own with wellbeing messages written by students.
Seedlings - team up with your horticulture department to grow seedlings to sell.
Cookbook - make a cookbook of students favourite recipes to sell.