Diabetes NZ Petition to Parliament, 2019
"That the House of Representatives urge Pharmac to fund Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM), GLP1 agonists including Bydureon, Byetta, Lyxumia, and Victoza, SGLT2 inhibitors including Forxiga and Jardiance, and DPP-4 inhibitors including Januvia, Onglyza, and Trajenta”.
2023 Advocacy campaign: We Won’t Stop
June 2023 marked two years since Diabetes NZ presented at a parliamentary select committee hearing to advocate for CGM funding. Over the past five years we have laid the groundwork for a final push that advocates strongly for the funding of CGMs.
We Won’t Stop until all New Zealanders living with diabetes who are using insulin have access to the global standard of care, including access to funded CGMs to manage their diabetes and avoid complications.
Sign up to our monthly e-newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be kept in the loop and help us make this a reality.
PHARMAC have active funding applications for the Freestyle Libre Flash Blood glucose monitor, Dexcom G6 and the Medtronic continuous glucose monitoring systems (Guardian 3 and Guardian Connect).
The Freestyle Libre application has been assessed by PHARMAC and ranked against other options for investment. This means it is an option for investment in the future. While the funding applications for Dexcom G6 and Medtronic CGMs are being taken to their Diabetes Subcommittee for clinical advice in September 2021.
While we wait to hear the outcome of these meetings, Diabetes NZ are planning what the next stage of this campaign will look like. We will continue to advocate for funded CGMS in Aotearoa.
#CGMforAll - Social media campaign
In February and March 2022, we took to social media for the next step in our campaign for CGM and FGM to be publicly funded for everyone in Aotearoa.
The Health Committee presented its report to the House on the Petition. A copy of the report is available on the Parliament website:
We presented our submission to the Health Select Committee, and PHARMAC responded.
We submitted background information on the matters outlined in our petition.
In response to feedback from us and others, Te Pātaka Whaioranga - Pharmac made the decision to fund two new medicines for New Zealanders who are at high risk of heart and kidney complications from type 2 diabetes.
The first of these medicines became available, fully funded from 1 February 2021.
Diabetes New Zealand presents a petition with close to 28,000 signatures to parliament as a result of dissatisfaction and feedback from people with diabetes.
We produced a template letter at that time for writing directly to your local MP; this is still relevant and you can download here.