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Results on School Camps Survey

In November 2019, Diabetes New Zealand and the New Zealand Clinical Network for Children & Young People with Diabetes surveyed parents/caregivers of students with diabetes and schools to garner their opinions about the management of diabetes when on school trips and camps.

Parents and caregivers were advised of the survey via social media and Diabetes New Zealand networks. Additionally, Diabetes Clinics were also surveyed about High Health Needs Funding and Education Sessions.

Report Prepared by Dr Joanna McClintock and Karen Reed

  • The majority felt that they and/or the school could utilise more resources and training with regards to students with diabetes.

  • Concerns raised related to High Health Need Funding and that the hours allocated were not enough to manage diabetes in the school environment as well as expectations of children being independent in the medical management of diabetes

“It is thought as they get older that they require less hours from School High Health, as they become more independent. However, cognitively their understandings and ability to manage this serious medical condition will not be fully developed until well into their teen years.”

Clinic Staff Responses

  • All but one of the diabetes clinics use the National Diabetes Action and Management Plan

  • High health Needs Funding is recommended by all Services, however, there is confusion about how High Health Needs Funding is allocated.

“Students do not get equitable funding due to the complexity of these applications and their resources. It is often not clear why a student has not had funding continued”

  • All services provide education to schools about diabetes management

  • Clinical staff were favourable of a national resource for training in schools


  • Positive engagement with the Diabetes Action and Management Plans by both parents and caregivers as well as schools.

  • General recognition that home-school partnership is essential, which these plans can help facilitate

  • Concern that the Diabetes Action and Management Plans do not address excursions and camps to ensure children are not missing out on such activities.

  • There is confusion about the High Health Needs Fund and how to support children to manage their diabetes without this support

  • Many schools are not aware of education sessions run by diabetes teams

  • Parents are concerned about the level of knowledge that schools have about the complexities of diabetes management which impacts on their confidence in schools to manage their child’s diabetes

  • Schools indicated wanting more information and support with regards to excursions, particularly overnight camps

Recommendations (which have been agreed to and currently being actioned)

  • Checklist and management plans for school excursions be developed to address the uniqueness of day activities and overnight camps

  • A national education package for managing diabetes in the school environment, and more specifically for excursions and overnight camps is warranted

  • The Clinical Network for Children and Young People with Diabetes engage in dialogue with Ministry of Education about High Health Needs Funding Scheme

Thank you to all parents/caregivers, school staff, and clinicians who responded!