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Diabetes NZ Fitbit MoveMeant Challenge 2020

For two weeks in March, we’re inviting Diabetes NZ branches, families, friends and the wider community to join together, don Fitbits, and get stepping for fun and fitness.

Diabetes NZ and Fitbit first ran the Fitbit MoveMeant Challenge in 2015 as part of Diabetes Action Month, to create awareness around the importance of movement in managing health and preventing (T2) and managing diabetes. A huge success, it became a standalone event in 2018. Celebrities, public figures and business personalities across New Zealand were invited to compete for one month. They took the challenge seriously, sharing achievements and progress via social media.  Competition was fierce. Challengers followed each other’s progress through their Fitbit apps and tried to outdo one another on their daily step targets.

In 2020, back by popular demand, the Fitbit MoveMeant Challenge will have yet another incarnation, as we invite the wider community to take part. We want as many people as possible to participate in the 2020 iteration and step towards living a healthier life.

The Fitbit MoveMeant Challenge will run from the 16th - 29th March. Follow the progress via Diabetes NZ Facebook and Instagram for updates, winners and competitions any one can take part in with great prizes!

Better still; ‘Join the MoveMeant’ and set up your own fundraiser where you can track your progress or show your support for one or more of our participants by donating to their individual fundraising pages on Everydayhero.

Now’s the time to start rallying your families, friends and work colleagues, and preparing for the two week challenge.

Members of Diabetes New Zealand, are eligible for a special discount offer of up to 20% off Fitbit trackers and watches from our champion sponsor. A great chance to get moving (check your emails if you are a member).

Or, if you want to join, membership is free and it only takes a few minutes to complete the form, to access this offer please add MoveMeant into the comments field.

Join Diabetes NZ today here
